Speak Up

Speak Up about your experiences of CNWL. Mental health is not a grey area to be exploited. Get involved, leave your comments to inform others of your experiences. Anyone thinking about using CNWL services in any capacity would be recommended to first research their history in detail. If referred and seeking support from CNWL staff, always attend with a witness and record the full content of any meeting. If services have been received from CNWL staff, you can request copies of all notes made about you to check their content and accuracy. Use CNWL at your peril.

29 comments on “Speak Up about your experiences of CNWL. Mental health is not a grey area to be exploited. Get involved, leave your comments to inform others of your experiences. Anyone thinking about using CNWL services in any capacity would be recommended to first research their history in detail. If referred and seeking support from CNWL staff, always attend with a witness and record the full content of any meeting. If services have been received from CNWL staff, you can request copies of all notes made about you to check their content and accuracy. Use CNWL at your peril.

    January 6, 2016

    To the person who started this blog. Thank you very much. It is so important! I have posted my story here. Please, I would very much appreciate it if you could get in touch with me. I believe that my case involves CNWL social workers and section 12 approved doctors committing fraud on a regular basis. I believe now that social workers like AMHP Leon Gooding have routinely been sectioning persons illegally. We first believed that Mr. Gooding signed for corrupt doctors like Dr. Cameron Ryan when he was elsewhere such as abroad so as to claim fees…but we now believe that Mr.Gooding simply had pre-signed sectioning forms with him. We believe that Dr. Ryan then would claim the fee and split this with Mr. Gooding.
    I have so far found a few other patients…..
    Anyhow, thanks again for this blog…it is so important! People should do everything in their power to stay away from this horrible organisation. If you really think you need help then get it anywhere but from the CNWL.


    • butterflysprite
      March 27, 2019

      You’re right but I somehow think we should keep pushing and complaining to get our voice heard and not give up..if we ignore it and do not approach the services we are in danger of ghettoising it and letting them get away with all the damage they have done.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. aa freeborn
    May 17, 2016

    It’s important you put your story here James. No surprises here re how you were mistreated. Disgraceful how health ”professionals” never use correct or registered names…seems to be sop for CNWL staff. Absolutely horrible treatment and absolutely disgraceful conduct by CNWL staff which again is totally not surprising.


  3. AA Freeborn
    May 22, 2016

    This is a person who has more power than the police and has ability to detain persons and split up families. It’s horrifying. Our experience of CNWL social worker’s was uniform in that they all lied and had no moral compass. It’s shocking to see this in the Times and to think that a person such as this is allowed to destroy lives…


    • butterflysprite
      April 11, 2019

      Hi freeborn, do you know if there is a way I can find out if psychiatrists have been charging for appointments and assessments which they didn’t attend. I believe I have been a victim of this myself.


      • a.a. freeborn
        April 11, 2019

        You have to know who was supposed to be at your house or appointment. We only found out after we got our SAR subject access report. They of course are supposed to tell you etc but they wont. You need to get your files (all of them) and demand for full names and titles of staff. I guess then you can check that with your records etc…In our case it was a team sent to our house etc…They refused to give us their names until we got the SAR. Get all your records and always record and document who you have seen. I hope that is of some help. I tell everyone never ever have contact with these bastards unless you are audio/video recording it. Anyhow, everyone should be listed in your files and you have right to see all those files via SAR…There is no reason to redact staff names but I wouldn’t put it past them.
        Hope this was of some help…Take care.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Paul
    September 10, 2016

    From everything I hear from patients about Dr Dreyer, he should be sectioned and never allowed to work around patients again.


  5. Yusef
    January 6, 2017

    I too had a consultation with Dr Marius Dreyer at the Park Royal centre for mental health. I suspect he really is a racist, he was rude to me and I don’t understand why. He also brushed off my symptoms like they were nothing. Apart from seeing Dr Dreyer, I liked the other staff and found them to be nothing like him. James, I understand everything you have said about him. But just move on with your life. A racist is always a racist. It does sound like he didn’t like your wife and went for you over it. Did you report Dr Dreyer to the GMC? You have the evidence of whst he did to you.


    • butterflysprite
      March 27, 2019

      I have encountered racism and prejudice from black and Asian psychiatrists and mental health staff for being white and conservative. I had no where to turn to when I made my complaint about the many different psychiatrists who had a grudge on me. I have encountered some very vindictive and grudging psychiatrists from these ethnic backgrounds as well.


    • Peter Lee Knight
      December 7, 2022

      I have reported Dr Marius Dreyer to GMC with evidence as he ignored my complaints about my care and was sent an email by mistake with him saying ” why was this sent to a patient who made many complaints”


    • Peter Lee Knight
      December 7, 2022

      I have never met Dr Maruis Dreyer and had to report him to the GMC as he ignored my complaints when my mental health have never deteriorated to a level never seen before l


  6. butterflysprite
    September 13, 2018

    The cmht are a dead end service. The iapt service is much better but you won’t have access to them if you have a diagnosis of a severe mental illness. I have a diagnosis of a severe mental illness which is bogus and which hasn’t come off my record despite there being no justification for it. The cmht are a closed shop, I can speak from experience that it is very disorganised and corrupt.


  7. Exworker
    February 8, 2019

    I worked with Dr Marius Dreyer many years ago. Dr Dreyer mocks patients illness, and degrades them totally agree. But there are many like him in CNWL

    Liked by 1 person

    • butterflysprite
      March 18, 2019

      Yes. I have noticed that. Why are they allowed to get away with that? There seems to be no leadership from management. They just appease the staff.


    • butterflysprite
      June 19, 2019

      Well we shouldn’t keep quiet about it.


    • a.a. freeborn
      October 1, 2020

      I have no doubt you are right about that. An ex MH nurse told us they weed out anyone with any sense of morality. Student nurses are basically shunned because they can’t be trusted to tow the line and cover up abuses like the rest of the staff. This is how institutions become corrupted from top to bottom. She said student nurses were lucky to last a couple of weeks there before they left and she said they complained about being left out of the loop and staff were cold to them. This is why the majority of their nursing staff come from poverty stricken countries where fraud and abuse and cover up are the norm. They know they can count on them not to rock the boat. GL and take care.


  8. butterflysprite
    March 27, 2019 a cesspool of abuse..from my experience..staff made false paper trails of appointments that never took place..of false information- putting words that I never said, writing them down on paper – and passing this as fact, and then calling me deluded when I tried to challenge…the constant and frequent lies..the hypocrisy..

    Liked by 2 people

  9. butterflysprite
    June 30, 2019

    Staff in CNWL are also very secretive. They hide so many things as they have done with me. One may never know what has been written about them if one doesn’t ask for their file. Even then you may find that all the information has been distorted and what you said twisted. But by that time it is too late as the statute of limitations may have run out.

    Liked by 1 person

    • a.a. freeborn
      July 2, 2019

      Yes and why shouldn’t they? There are no consequences for them and they know it. They can say and do anything and if anyone speaks up or files a complaint they are immediately on the back foot because the CNWL NHS are the very first to use the stigma of MH against anyone who dares to oppose them. Just think how crooked and bent their complaints team are… they lie, obstruct and delay complainants on a daily basis…They are the lowest of the low. To work at the CNWL NHS you must be immoral, amoral and a psychopath. My advice would be to record every encounter or interaction with them if possible. That’s all you can do to protect yourself.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. butterflysprite
    July 18, 2019

    Well I think we should do something to force them to have consequences. It seems all people are doing is writing up on blogs their negative experiences but just get on with their lives after that as long as they have been vindicated. I think as patients who know what we know we should push to do something about it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • a. a. freeborn
      July 20, 2019

      Agreed but I’m at a loss personally. I did everything to expose Dr. Cameron Ryan and his colleagues claiming fees for assessments that they never attended. I submitted police corroboration in writing. I discovered Dr. Ryan had claimed for 4000 (four thousand) MH assessments in six years and from the onset of being s12 approved which is utterly absurd. He was earning approx 100k a year from these assessments which another absurd figure.
      We went to the CQC they did nothing.
      We went to the GMC they did nothing.
      We went to NHS England they did nothing.
      I wrote to my MP Karen Buck. She did nothing.
      I went through 4 solicitors and 5 years of heartbreak and stress only to have my case bumbled and then finally dropped by legal aide.
      I wrote to dozens of journalists and news outlets–not one of them took me seriously.
      We finally thought we got the police to investigate all of this but after 5 reports and a sham investigation by DCI Patel at Charing Cross nothing happened.
      The Police were more concerned in covering up for Dr. Ryan.
      All of this nearly killed me and totally destroyed my family.
      I don’t think most people have the strength to fight…Look where I got and I had credible evidence by police, independent witnesses and info above which by itself regardless of everything else should have triggered an audit of Dr. Ryan’s assessments and travel history etc…
      I live with the guilt that I didn’t do enough to prevent staff like Ryan from doing this to other people….
      Posting online and naming and shaming is all I can do now.
      Also, think about this. Thousands of people are dying in these facilities with no inquest or investigations. It just seems hopeless. I’m all ears if you have any ideas on what can be done…

      Liked by 1 person

      • butterflysprite
        August 21, 2019

        Well…although shocking none of this surprises me. I have shocking experiences going back over 10 years…I was a young girl at the time bit still I refuse to give up. We should make a blog about this. I can also see how staff have used a diagnosis of a mental illness to get them to comply with them and used this against patients when they make a complaint. The staff in cnwl are selfish, combative and there is no independent complaints department at all. The complaints department acts as a stronghold to defend staff and not listen to patients.


      • butterflysprite
        January 11, 2020

        Hi there a.a. freeborn. Have you thought of Maybe trying again doing everything you did and give it another opportunity. You need to Maybe go to the police and start a complaint against them. I think it’s called the iopc. Or going back to your MP.


  11. butterflysprite
    June 4, 2020

    The staff in cnwl defend their nasty ways


    • aa freeborn
      June 10, 2020

      Sorry about not responding sooner.
      I can’t disagree with your short comment at all. CE Claire Murdoch has nurtured and promoted a corrupt, dishonest and immoral culture at the CNWL NHS. If it was up to me she and her corrupt employees and board would be hauled up to the Hague and charged with crimes against humanity….

      Please take care.

      Liked by 1 person

      • butterflysprite
        September 21, 2020

        As someone who used these services for many years it’s been awful even before this current CEO Claire Murdoch….anyone can be given an OBE these days and it goes to their head.


      • a.a. freeborn
        October 1, 2020

        I feel for you butterlfy. Yeah, her OBE is worthless. You are 100% right about that. Man it saddens me that they just get away with the abuse all the time. No accountability. They just get rid of anyone who won’t tow the line…that’s what an ex mh nurse told us. They have corrupted the entire foundation. The sectioning laws are beyond stupid too. How they gave these quacks and social workers the right to detain anyone should frighten the hell out of people. Prof . Dorothy Griffiths is just as bad as Murdoch and equally guilty of covering up Dr. Cameron Ryan’s fraud. What a disgusting human being that thing is. She could have demanded an audit of Dr. Cameron John Ryan’s records. We presented her with all the evidence and she refused to do anything about it. Another disgrace and phoney. Again, my only solace is that this quack Dr. Ryan’s travel records are perm archived in NZ. Which would prove he was never at our house and has routinely committed fraud by claiming fees for MH assessments while in his native NZ and elsewhere. This is why they threaten others with court action and will never threaten me. They know the truth is discoverable.
        Whatever you went through I hope you know you are not alone. There are literally tens of thousands of us out there abused by this system. Please take care and know I’m wishing the best for you. One day these bastards like Claire Murdoch and Prof. Dorothy Griffiths will get what is coming to them…Karma will get them in the end.
        Take care and thanks for the replies.


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